Chrome Remote Desktop to Continue You Must First Grant Extended Permissions to Your Computer

How do you access files on your home computer when you are not at home? Here, what answers I heard when I asked my acquaintances about it: "I ask someone from the family members to send me the necessary file by e-mail", "", "". As it turned out, no one knows about the most simple and universal way - using the Google Chrome extension.

Chrome Remote Desktop will make your PC accessible from almost any device: iPhone, iPad, smartphone and tablet for Android or a computer based on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. How to install it, configure and create a connection, I will discuss further. All operations will take no more than 5-7 minutes.

Requirements and installation

To start using Chrome Remote Desktop, three things are enough:

  • Google Chrome browser with the extension in question. Or a separate application (the latter is used on mobile gadgets and computers based on Linux and OS X).
  • Google account. Most likely, you already have it. If not, get him on.
  • Access to the World Wide Web.

Install the Chrome Remote Desktop extension (application) on both devices — the one to which you will connect, and the one through which you will manage.

To install the extension in the Google Chrome browser, go to the Chrome store and click " Install". In a minute or two it will be with you.

To start, open the applications section in the browser and click the shortcut " Remote Desktop».

Next, the program will ask you to log in to your Google account and grant permission to access your data.

After clicking " Allow»The main window opens:

It has two sections:

  • « Remote support», Where the functions of providing external access to this PC and connecting to another are collected.
  • « My computers»Which shows a list of devices to which you can connect.

Making connections

Allowing access to another user

The program will download and install the add-on - the host for the remote desktop. It will take about 2-3 minutes.

When the add-on is installed, a window with a 12-digit numeric code opens. Give this code to the user so that he can connect to your machine. The code is created only for one session.

Setting permission for yourself (connecting from another device to this PC)

In section " My computers"Click" Allow remote connections"(Marked with 3 in the screenshot above). In the window that appears next, set a pin code to protect the system from unauthorized entry.

After that, the application will notify you that connections to this PC are allowed.

So that you can establish connections without the help of other people, go into the power settings of the machine and turn off the sleep mode when there is no activity.

Connecting your device to someone else's PC

Expand the section " Remote support" and press " Access". Enter the code received from the user of the machine you are going to drive. Click " Will connect».

The remote PC screen is displayed in a separate, scalable window.

To restart a session, click the "hamburger" button (3 horizontal bars) in the top left panel and select " New window».

To break the connection, click the button next to the "hamburger". It is framed in the screenshot above.

Connect to your PC

In section " My computers»Displays a list of PCs to which you have configured permission for external access. To establish a connection with any of them, click on the name of the machine in the list and enter a predefined pin code. Click " Connect».

Machines that do not have Internet access or are turned off are displayed in gray in the "My Computers" section.

What to do if the connection is not established

There are not so many reasons why communication problems arise. More often than not, the wrong firewall settings are to blame. Make sure that it allows incoming and outgoing UDP connections, and 443 and 5222 TCP ports are not blocked.

If the firewall settings are OK, try updating Google Chrome browser on both devices (control and managed), then reset the "Remote Desktop". This is usually sufficient to resolve the problem in 80% of cases. The remaining 20% ​​are problems on the communication line, operating system errors and virus infections. They will have to deal separately.

No one is immune from the situation in which you need to gain access to a geographically remote computer. This need arises when working simultaneously on multiple computers, for example, at home and in the office. The need for authorized remote control may also arise from an IT support service with the goal of a direct, direct relationship between users. Faced with this situation, I use the Chrome remote desktop as the most convenient and reliable tool for users of any level of technical background.

The credibility of this service from Google is caused by the use of several application solutions: a P2P connection to the transport using the UDP, TCP protocols, as well as an SSL connection guaranteeing the security of the transmitted data during the session.

Chrome Remote Desktop what is it

The application, whose full name is Chrome Remote Desktop (Chrome Remote Desktop), is an extension to the popular Chrome browser on all platforms. Thanks to the popularity of the solution, the utility functionality is available on all platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac, and of course Chromebook). The essence of the application is to provide secure authorized authorized access to another computer directly through a browser.

The only condition that must be met in order to use the plug-in is the presence of an authentication code generated directly on the browser tab that is opened. The generated code is temporary, and to re-create the session, you must create it again. If you need frequent use of the service, users are given the opportunity to create a permanent code, for which you must have an account with Google services. You can create an account for free on the main page of the same name search engine. I want to note that, for example, users of mobile devices on Android platforms, Chromebook most often already have the required credentials.

By default, the Chrome browser does not have an installed extension for the Chrome Remoting technology, it needs to be downloaded from the Google Play Market and installed on all devices from which, and to which you need to access. Due to the small size of the utility (less than 4 MB), downloading, installing and configuring the application will take no more than a few minutes.

Chrome remote desktop where to download and how to configure

To do this, go to the settings of the Chrome browser further Advanced Tools and select extensions.

In the window that opens, click on More extensions.

After installation, open a new tab and click Services at the top left.

After that, the next tab should open in it. Click on the Remote Desktop. You will also need to sign up for a Google account.

Now the extension itself should start. In it you need to click Access.

And enter the access code.

In order to get the access code on the computer to which you want to connect, you also need to install this extension. Complete all the steps before running the extension itself. And choose not Access and below My computers. Next you need to click Allow remote connection and follow the instructions. In principle, everything is simple there, but if you fail to write something in the comments. And I will write you a detailed instruction on how to configure the client.

In conclusion, I wanted to note not only the convenience of the application interface, its compactness and speed, but also accessibility even on mobile devices (smartphones, tablets), allowing you to create sessions like "Smartphone-PC". This particular feature sets it apart from other similar projects from equally well-known manufacturers. The application has no limitations on the term of operation, providing free of charge all its functionality. The only condition that must be met is to ensure stable access to the Internet for both connected clients.

Desktop allows you to connect to your PC using the Internet or local network. This allows you to perform administrative tasks or manage components in on-line mode. The application that acts as a remote access explorer provides full remote control through a browser, so you can download, run, or even delete programs and files.

  The program for work with a remote desktop was created for comfortable use and optimization of working time of IT-masters

They control different types of local networks, which consist of tens or even hundreds of PCs, and the distance between the equipment is significant.

   By controlling the remote desktop through the browser, the specialists manage to do the work quickly

In many situations, the outcome of the entire production depends on the resolution of certain issues in computer topics.

Today, you can use all kinds of applications for remote access to a PC, the main difference is the protocols used (Telnet, ARD, ICA and others). There are proprietary protocols from corporations. Another difference is the type of control (console and graphic). To encrypt the files used, what is important, use the protocols SSH, TLS, SSL, etc.

In most cases, applications of this kind were made up of two parts that perform opposite functions:

  1. Server part (it must be installed on a computer that will need to be managed);
  2. Client part (installed on the PC from which administration of other devices will be performed).

Over time, the scope of system management allowed the data to go into the user sphere, and thus remote access via the browser can now be performed by anyone. After the transition of such applications to the masses, the convenience of working with them has changed. Now, instead of installing 2 applications on the required computers, one is enough that performs the functions of a client and a server, based on its configurations. There are also special utilities for working on the world wide web, without the need for additional configurations, among which the popular Google Chrome remote desktop is popular.

Where to download Chrome remote desktop

Installing Chrome on a computer is not difficult, to download the application you need to perform only two steps:

  • Go to the office. site.

  fig.1. Open the website of the official Chrome online app store and find the Chrome Remote Desktop utility

  • By clicking on the "Install" icon (at the top on the right side) to start downloading the program, in the next menu click on "add"

  fig.2. After that, the desktop of the computer, namely, the quick launch bar and the Chrome browser will acquire the icon of the new application for remote access.

An important point! After the debut launch of the program, it must be authorized. To do this, you must configure access to the list of other PCs on the network, and access to information about e-mail. Also need to confirm the action chat.

How to install Chrome Remote Desktop

To be able to use Chrome remote desktop, you must have an account with Google. To activate the application, you need:

  • Launch a new browser tab and click on the "Applications" button (it is just below the search bar); you can also open the program using the shortcut in the quick launch panel or in the desktop menu;
  • In the list, find and open the Remote Desktop Chrome pc program. To view the settings for remote access, you need to open the "My Computers" section and click on the "getting started" line;

  Next comes the launch of the line "Allow remote connections", and then you need to download and install the host service for these functions (this happens automatically)

  • When the installation process is completed, you need to enter a password (at least 6 digits), then confirm it again and click on the "OK" icon;
  • In the next step, you need to confirm the connection to your account and re-register the password.

After all these manipulations, the already configured technique will be available in the menu. "My computers."

Chrome Remote Desktop Connection

In the selection menu, the user has two options:

  1. Remote support;
  2. My computers.

The principle of operation of the first option is this: it is used when you need remote assistance from a master or friend for any tasks. By selecting this option, Chrome remote access will give you a random password, you must notify the user who needs to control the computer (he must also have the appropriate software to perform these functions).

   When this person enters a password, he will get access to computer management in a browser window (all parts of the desktop are available for work)

The second option allows you to configure Google remote access to multiple devices at once. In order to use this function in the "My computers" menu, click on the "Allow remote connections" line. As a defense, developers suggest setting a password (from 6 digits).

   After writing the code set of numbers, the next window will open, it confirms the code

Next you need to change the configuration on other computers. To install remote access on the desktop, you need to download the utility, open your Google account, and when you download it in the "My computers" menu, you can see the first device.

When the browser is working on it (even in the background status, which is set by default), it is possible to connect to a remote PC by entering a password.

At other times the Chrome table is managed easily. So, it is possible with the help of key combinations to manage remote equipment, while not using the main one. It is also possible to open the desktop on the full screen, the resolution settings and you can delete remote access to the computer. This is where the program functions end. Compared to the Team Viewer, the utility from Chrome is equipped with a clear interface, and its use does not violate license agreements.


Now you know what Chrome Remote Desktop is and how to use it. Any questions? Ask them at the bottom of the article!

It is no secret that today more and more applications are being developed to gain access from a single terminal or mobile device to remote computers. Among the variety of software separately worth noting Chrome application "Remote Desktop", released by Google. Now it will be considered how to install the program correctly and configure it for subsequent work on different devices.

Chrome Remote Desktop: What is it?

First of all, find out what the program is. As already understood, it is a powerful means of communication between individual devices, the connection between which is carried out via the Internet or via a local network.

The name "Chrome Remote Desktop" speaks for itself, so a prerequisite for installing and using this software is to have a browser of the same name installed in the system or some kind of development based on it.

This approach saves the user from installing a separate program, then integrating it into browsers other than Chrome, and significantly saves time. In addition, interaction on this basis also reduces access time to remote terminals. As far as opportunities are concerned, practically all operations can be performed as on your own device, including mobile devices, and even administer the system. This will be a very powerful tool, for example, for the same sysadmins who have dozens of computer terminals connected to the network.

Google Chrome, Remote Desktop: how does it work?

Now let's see how this whole system works. In principle, a remote Chrome can be attributed to a class of programs called Actually, and the principles inherent in its work are quite similar.

However, at the dawn of the development of such technologies for the implementation of a communication session between two computers, it was necessary to install two main applications. The server was intended for installation on a computer that will be administered. The client program was installed on the terminal from which the other terminal will be managed. But all this is in the past, since later two different programs were merged into one, and the need to install several different applications disappeared.

As for the work, everything is as usual. The program uses its own protocols and interface, although it also supports many others. And just like in many other programs, there is a built-in traffic encryption system at the level of TLS, SSH, SSL using AES algorithms.

But generally speaking, the Chrome Remote Desktop app is rather not an independent program, but a browser add-on. Therefore, looking ahead, we note that its removal can be made exclusively from the browser, without using the operating system tools or specialized software packages for deep search and uninstall applications in the system.

Pre-installation on PC

Now let's pay attention to the Chrome Remote Desktop program itself. Installing and configuring it so that everything works correctly is quite simple.

First you need to go to the official download page of the add-in, as is probably understandable through a Chrome browser. On the page at the top right there is a special installation button that you need to click to start the download and installation, and in the next window - the "Add" button to create shortcuts. When the process is complete, the application icon will appear on the desktop of the computer, as well as in the browser itself (under the address bar).

Remote Connection Activation

Now a few words about the program "Remote Desktop Chrome". Installing it, as we see, is easy, and it takes this process just a couple of minutes. But only the installation is not limited to. At the second stage, the application must be activated.

The first time you start the program, you will be asked for several actions that you must give permission to perform, since the data transmitted and received fall under the jurisdiction of Google's Privacy Policy and Chrome Privacy Policy. Without such consent, the installation process will be interrupted.

In the browser, click on the button of the Chrome program "Remote Desktop" or enter http: // apps in the address bar. You can also launch the application via a shortcut or use the quick launch from the corresponding panel.

Next, select the remote desktop section, to view the settings - "My Computers", and then - "Getting Started". Now we press the button of permission of remote connection and we set parameters of a host, following instructions.

There comes the most important point: you must enter a PIN-code. It must contain at least six digits. Next, enter the code again to confirm.

To continue the setup, you will need to log into your Google account and re-enter the above PIN. Only after that the already configured device will appear in the computers section.

Direct connection to remote terminals

To connect to a remote terminal, you must first make sure that each of them has an active Internet connection.

After that, run the program in the manner described above and reach the start of work. Now it's just a matter of a small matter - you just need to select the terminal you need from the list, then enter the appropriate PIN code and press the activation button To interrupt a communication session, use the disconnect button.

Configuring connections in Android and iOS

As you can see, with the installation and pre-configuration of the program "Remote Desktop Chrome" (PC version) everything is quite simple. Now we will consider issues related to setting up access to computer terminals from mobile devices based on the Android and iOS operating systems. For convenience, it will use Android, since this system is also developed by Google. However, on iOS all actions will be identical.

It goes without saying that you first need to install the mobile client Google Remote Desktop from the Google Play store (aka Android Market) or the AppStore for Apple gadgets on the device. As in the case of the stationary version, we agree with the conditions and wait for the end of the download process and the installation of the applet on the device.

If there are problems in the connection process

Finally, consider the situation where the Chrome Remote Desktop program for some reason cannot establish a connection or configure access to the desired computer terminal. And first you should check your internet connection.

In addition, if this situation has already arisen, you should make sure that the program does not block the firewall. In its settings, permissions should be set for outgoing UDP traffic and incoming responses, as well as two 5222 for XMPP and 443 for HTTPS.

It is possible that if the terminal is located in a certain corporate network, there are restrictions on the use of remote access to it. You have to contact the system administrator or network administrator.

Finally, one of the reasons may be the presence in the system of an outdated version of the Chrome browser itself, so before you start installing the add-in itself, you should update it to the current time.


That is, in fact, in brief, everything related to the installation and configuration of the application for remote access to computer terminals from different devices. It remains to add that mobile clients are also interesting because, in addition to direct access functions, they even allow you to view packs and files on computers that are disconnected from the Internet, so to speak, in offline mode. And if you understand the principles of setting up and working with the Chrome client, then you can easily understand almost any program of the RDP class.

Requirements for a remote Google Chrome connection

In order to access the PC remotely using the Google Chrome browser, you must fulfill the following requirement:

  • Have Google Chrome browsers installed on the host PC and on the partner device;
  • Activated application "Remote Desktop Chrome";
  • Internet connection;
  • Included PC.

In order to accomplish the second point, it is worth going to the Google Chrome store and typing in the search engine the name of the application.

The program icon appears on the taskbar.

We configure software for remote work.

  Launch Remote Chrome Desktop

Clicking on the taskbar icon will display a list of Google tools. Click "Remote Desktop".

A new browser tab will open. You must be logged in to your Google Account to activate the buttons of the next settings window. In the window, click "Start".

After accepting the terms of the agreement to establish the host. The host file download will start.

After running the program for remote access to the partner device.

  Access to someone else's PC

  Manage your own PC

If your PC is turned on or you have left it for use by your family, but you need to access data using the "Remote Chrome Desktop", you can set up constant access to your own device.

To do this, select the section "My Computer" and click "Getting Started."

A new window will open. Click "Allow remote connections".

Enter the PIN code for the new connection and confirm it.

After completing these steps, an image of your computer will appear in the settings.

By clicking on the device icon and entering a pin code, you can connect to a PC to perform various operations.

  Basic remote control via Google Chrome

Using the Chrome Remote Desktop application, you can not only control your computer, but also perform various operations. Among them, we will highlight: creating and sending screenshots, editing the size of the desktop, creating a new window, viewing statistics on the use of software.


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